Technical data registration

We are very pleased that you are interested in our products. To be able to inform you optimally, we kindly ask you to answer some questions first.

Please use the below Online-form or download as PDF.

    What are your reasons for planning an inclined lift? (multiple answers possible)
    a vertical lift is not possiblefor barrier-free accessrestricted building spacedifficult accessother:

    In what sector are you planning to use the inclined lift?
    urban transporttourismsports facilityprivate resort

    Is the inclined lift supposed to be built…
    in the countrysidein a town / city

    Please inform us about the sea level (in meters above the sealevel) of the place where the inclined lift is planned:

    The inclined lift is going to be operated…
    outdoorspartly outdoorsin a closed shaft / tunnel

    Is an operation during winter planned?

    Do you know the approximate length of the planned rail track?
    NoYes, about (in meters):

    What difference in altitude is the inclined lift supposed to overcome?
    unknownabout (in meters):

    What is your preferred cabin size?
    8 passengers16 passengers25 passengers50 passengersother amount of passengers:

    How many passengers do you want to be able to transport per direction in one hour?
    The transport capacity is not importantamount of passengers:

    Should the inclined lift be wheelchair accessible?

    How many stops are planned?
    Top and bottom stationTop and bottom station, 1 additional stopTop and bottom station, 2 additional stopsTop and bottom station, and amount of additional stops:

    Finally, we would like to ask you for your contact details so that we can process your
    request as quickly as possible.

    Name / company:


    Phone number:

    Email address:

    Additional message: (optional)

    I herewith agree to the collection and processing of my personal data for the purpose of establishing contact. I may revoke my agreement any time later on by simply informing ABS Transportbahnen Ges.m.b.H. ( to that effect.*